About Us

Who We Are

At Elba Afrika, we embody the unique fusion of Australian, Congolese and Zambian experience, bringing unparalleled expertise to the mining industry in the region.

Behind Elba Afrika

Integrating Australian, Congolese, and Zambian Expertise, Wisdom and Essence

Elba Afrika epitomises the harmonious blend of Congolese soul, Australian experience, and Zambian insight. Our foundational ties to the heart of the Region, enriched by diverse global experiences, empower us to skillfully tackle the distinctive challenges of the mining sector.

Built On The Foundation of Integrity

Integrity is the cornerstone of everything we do at Elba Afrika. Our heritage not only enriches our approach to Mining support services but also strengthens our commitment to ethical practices, transparency, and respect for local cultures and communities. This blend of Australian professionalism with the heart of Congolese values and Zambian experience forms a strong foundation for building lasting relationships and ensuring the success of our clients in the complex mining environment.

Community-Centric Recruitment

We excel in melding local culture with global talent to forge cohesive, high-performing teams.

Lasting Impact

Our focus is on enduring diversified Mining support solutions that cultivate local expertise for a sustainable industry future.

Locally & Globally Compliant

Tailored, up-to-date compliance strategies that keep your operations seamlessly on track.

How We Work

Powered Solutions

Understanding Your Needs

We begin by comprehensively understanding your business, its challenges, and opportunities within the Region’s mining landscape.

Tailored Strategies

Leveraging our expertise, we craft bespoke mining solutions that resonate with your operational goals and cultural context.

Seamless Implementation

Our team ensures the smooth execution of mining support strategies, offering ongoing support to adapt and thrive in the dynamic mining environment.

Our Management Team

Get to know the faces behind the Elba Afrika management—our dedicated team of professionals who bring a world of experience and a heartfelt commitment to every partnership and project. Discover the personal touch that makes our services truly stand out.


Alain Banza 

Group HR Manager

Paula Sheppy

Zambia Country Manager

Jean-Paul Mwamba

Our Most Frequently Asked Questions

Whether you’re seeking information about our services, processes, or company policies, we’ve compiled a helpful list of questions and responses to guide you.

What makes Elba Afrika unique in the HR industry?

Elba Afrika stands out with its blend of Australian HR expertise and deep understanding of the Congolese mining sector, ensuring solutions that are both globally informed and locally relevant.

Absolutely! We specialise in catering to both local and expatriate HR requirements, ensuring a seamless integration of diverse workforces in the mining industry.

We prioritise cultural integration through tailored orientation programs, ongoing cultural training, and support systems that bridge cultural differences within your team.

While our primary focus is on the mining industry, our HR expertise is adaptable to various sectors requiring robust and culturally sensitive HR solutions.

Your business will benefit from tailored HR strategies, compliance assurance, and enhanced operational efficiency, all grounded in our unique Australian-Congolese perspective.

Contact Us Today

Interested in learning more about our unique mining support solutions? Contact Elba Afrika today and discover how our Australian-Congolese expertise can empower your mining operations in the DRC. Our team is ready to answer your questions and explore the potential of a partnership.